Ratha CHEA <br> 🇰🇭 | University of Battambang – Cambodia

Full name : Ratha CHEA

Gender : Male

Work location : University of Battambang

Academic background :
2016 PhD in Aquatic ecology, University of Toulouse
Director of International Relations in UBB


Your research :

Field of research :

Hydrology, water quality, ecology of freshwater fish and food web ecology of the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) and Tonle Sap Great Lake (Cambodia) in the context of global change focusing on patterning and prediction using dynamic and stochastic models. I am interested in particular how the ecosystems function and put these understandings into management and conservation practice.

Research interests/topics: Ecology of freshwater fish, water quality, food web ecology.


Research projects (Some of the most important you were involved in) :

● Environmental change and functional response of Mekong fish fauna (TLS, 2018- )
● Environmental change and functional response of Mekong fish fauna (TLS, 2018- )


Scientific articles/conferences (links, pdfs…) :

● Sor R., Boets P., Chea R., Goethals P.L.M., Lek S. 2017. Spatial organization of macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Lower Mekong. Limnologica – Ecology and Management of Inland Waters. DOI: 10.1016/j.limno.2017.04.001


Network activities : Member of Sustainable Development Hydropower Network (SDHM) in Mekong River Basin.

Dockside :

Your involvement in Dockside: Scientific Committee Member