RITHY PRUM <br> 🇰🇭 | Royal University of Law and Economics – Cambodia

Full name : RITHY PRUM

Gender : Male

Work location : Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE)

Academic background :

● 2015 : PhD of Private Law, University Jean Moulin Lyon3 (France)
● 2003 : Bachelor of law (khmer), University Royal of Law and Economics


Current position held:

● 2017 until now : Deputy of public law Department, RULE
● 2016 until now : member of scientific commitiee, RULE

Your research :

Field of research : Private law (Family law, succession law, Company law)

Research interests/topics: Inability of natural person in private law (2018-2019)

Research projects (Some of the most important you were involved in) :

● Conference on « Mekhum” (RULE, December 2015)
● Public lecture on « birth in private law », (RULE, April 2018)
● International conference on « la tranfère de propriété à titre gratuite » (RULE, Febery 2018)

Scientific articles/conferences (links, pdfs…) :

● Thesis on “custom and law family of Cambodian: Civil Code 2007”


Network activities : 

● Member of scientific committee, Sala Traju association

Dockside :

Your involvement in Dockside: Scientific committee member

What is DOCKSIDE for you: DOCKSIDE build the research capacities building on environment.