Project Monitoring Visit Project Monitoring Visit
Project Adviser, Antonella Giorgio, from the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission monitored and evaluated the DOCKSIDE Project. It... Project Monitoring Visit

Project Adviser, Antonella Giorgio, from the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission monitored and evaluated the DOCKSIDE Project.

It was held at the 24th November 2017 at the Directorate General of Policy and Planning, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport Cambodia. Proceeding with this Monitoring Session, the EACEA organised a two sessions to the Cambodian Higher Education Institution, click here to see more.

In the context of the continuous monitoring of the Erasmus+ programme the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is developing a comprehensive field monitoring policy. The monitoring purpose is to have a better overview of the funded projects, their objectives and results and to become better acquainted with the institutions and stakeholders involved.


Ms. Antonella Giorgio carries out the monitoring visit on the 24th November during two hours. The DOCKSIDE Project team members discuss about the activities realised and products developed so far, as well as see any encountered problems in operational and/or financial implementation, the EACEA Project Adviser also proposed the solution to tackle several challenges of the project.


We are grateful for the Monitoring Visit has been a fruitful meeting and looking forward to ensure a better continuation of the DOCKSIDE Project.


All of the team members from the Cambodian Partners and their staff also the representative of the Project Coordinator were present at the Monitoring Visit. Thank you to our Partner, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport for the warm welcome and the meeting room.


Ms. Antonella Giorgio also went to one of DOCKSIDE Partner’s the Royal University of Agriculture to have meeting with several Erasmus+ projects:

Universities as key partners for the new challenges regarding food safety & quality in ASEAN. Website :  AsiFood Project-EN

Reinforcement of Veterinary Studies in Asian Universities. Website : ReVeT

Network of universities and enterprises for food training in Southeast Asia. Website :NutriSea

Towards Excellence in Engineering Curricula for Dual Education. Website :TEEDE

Joint Master Degree – Food Security and Climate Change. Website :MS FSCC

Strengthening climate change REsearch And innovation CapaciTies in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Website :REACT

Support of International Platform Merging Labour and Education Project SIMPLE

Nodes of EXcellence in (SEA) Universities through Spatial data