Course Catalogue at NUM and UBB
Project Meeting 26 January 2018
On 5th-8th February 2018, three professors from the EU visited four universities, National University of Management (NUM), Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE), Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) and University of Battambang (UBB), in Cambodia.
Professor Dewan Ali Ahsan from University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Professor Francisco Torres Perez from University of Vigo and Professor Lionel Lemiale from University of Nantes visited the partner universities in Cambodia in occasion of Course Catalogue Visit and Meeting on 5th-8th February 2018.
On 5th-6th February 2018, they visited three universities, NUM, RULE and RUA, in Phnom Penh, and meeting was held at NUM. On 7th-8th February 2018, they traveled to Battambang Province to visit and held meeting at UBB.
Course Catalogue Visit and Meeting was organized in the purpose of improving Ph.D Programme in Environmental Maritime Research in Cambodia. The event took place successfully and the report is under construction, it will be made available on our website.