Dr. Ratha Seng (University of Battambang) – Sustainable livelihood approach and Co-management: Options for Tonle Sap’s Fisheries Presentaion here and video here
Dr. Annina Cristina Bürgin (University of Vigo) – Plan Blue Growth Port Authority of VIGO Presentation here
Pr. Patrice Guillotreau (University of Nantes) – A conceptual tool for the appraisal of societal responses to global change in marine systems: the I-ADApT framework Presentation here
Ms. Yumiko KURA (WorldFish Center) – Mekong Fisheries: current approaches to enhance freshwater fisheries in Cambodia and research gaps Presentation here
Dr. Malyne NEANG (Royal University of Agriculture) – Trade-offs between ecosystem services and opportunity costs of ES maintaining in the Tonle Sap Lake agro-ecosystem (Cambodia) Presentation here
Dr. Dewan Ahsan (University of Southern Denmark) – Migratory fish species management issue in South Asia: A case from Bangladesh and India Presentation here
Mrs. Hanna Bartels (GIZ, Cambodia) – Learning opportunities in GIZ“ILF 1+2“ Presentation here and video here
Mr. TEK Vannara (NGO Forum on Cambodia) – Focuses of The NGO FORUM on Cambodia on Natural Resource Management in Cambodia Presentation here
Mr. Nikola Kutin (University of Nantes and National University of Management) & Mr. Marco Corapi (University of Southern Denmark) – Stakeholders Analysis in Environmental and Maritime Sectors Presentation here and video here
Pr. Patrice Guillotreau (University of Nantes) – Experience of inter-disciplinary research on marine and coastal issues in Nantes Presentation here