European Universities Researchers European Universities Researchers
DOCKSIDE EU Researchers Work Package Development   In order to improve the research capacity for junior researchers and PhD students in Cambodia, DOCKSIDE provides... European Universities Researchers


EU Researchers

Work Package Development


In order to improve the research capacity for junior researchers and PhD students in Cambodia, DOCKSIDE provides an opportunity of International Mobility. It shall allow the observation and first-hand quality experience of European research practices and international networking.

The European Researchers are :

Southern Denmark University

Professor’s Name First Name Specialty (subject area) Possible research topics of PhD supervision
Vestergaard Niels Economics / Resource Economics Marine economics, fisheries economics and policy, Marine pollution economics, Climate policy
Roth Eva Economics / Resource Economics conceptual frameworks for nature, ecosystem service approach
Dewan Ahsan Fisheries resource management, Risk management, Stakeholder Management, Emergency Management Risk and conflict Management, Stakeholder management, Fisheries and coastal resources management,
Kaiser brooks Applied Microeconomics; Economic Resource History Invasive Species
Punt Maarten Spatial models, mathematical programming, (non-cooperative) game theory, natural resources See specialty
Joergensen Henning Socioeconomic impact of harbor investments
Lars Ravn-Jonsen Resource Economics
Kourantidou Melina Fishery Economics – Fisheries Managements, Management of Invasive Species
Judith Parus Innovation, Project management

University of Vigo

Professor’s Name First Name Specialty (subject area) Possible research topics of PhD supervision
Surís-Regueiro Juan Economics Marine economics, fisheries, natural resources, socioeconomic quantification
Garza-Gil M. Dolores Economics Natural Resources, Fisheries Economics, Bio-economic modeling, Preferences of Consumers
Varela-Lafuente Manuel Economics Fisheries Economics, Institutional Economics, Fishing regulation
Caballero-Miguez Gonzalo Economics Institutional economics
Amigo-Dobaño Lucy Economics Applied econometrics, market finance, preferences of consumers
Padin-Fabeiro Carmen Economics Marine Tourism, Local development
Iglesisas-Malvido Carlos Economics Marine economics, social economics, and cooperatives
Cabeza  Pereiro Jaime Law Fishing workers and international conventions
Fernández Docampo Belén Law Safety and health in the Maritime sector
Fernández Prol Francisca Law Fishing workers and international conventions
Torres Pérez Francisco Law Maritime Law: transport and sustainability; Intellectual Property
Fernández Carballo-Calero Pablo Law Maritime Law:  P&I Clubs; unfair competition and Intellectual property

University of Nantes

Professor’s Name First Name Specialty (subject area) Possible research topics of PhD supervision
Guillotreau Patrice Economics Maritime economics, fisheries, natural resources, industrial economics
Sévy Benoit Economics Risk economy, uncertain, market finance
Bidan Marc Management management information system, supply chain, e-business model
Vallée Thomas Economics Bio-economic modeling, composite indicators, industrial economics, game theory, and networks
Dufeu Ivan Strategy and strategic marketing Areas: Agriculture and agrofood industries – organic production and alternative food networks (short supply chains, local production, fair trade…)
Topics: collective organizations, market agencements, labellization strategies, multi-labelling, consumer willingness to pay
Owen Robert Economics International economics
Wolff François Charles Economics Applied Econometrics
Mahieu Pierre-Alexandre Economics Environmental economics, valuation of nonmarket goods
Desses Michel Geography Coastal geography
Chaumette Patrick Law Sea Law
Delfour Odile Law Fisheries law, marine environmental law
Boré Valérie Law Sea Law
Larrouilh Noémie Teaching engineering Distance Learning/teaching
Yildizoglu Murat Economics Industrial economics, agent-based
Le Maillot Alexandre Administrative; International Relations Management of International Relations