Francisca FERNÁNDEZ PROL <br> 🇪🇸 | University of Vigo – Spain

Full name : Francisca FERNÁNDEZ PROL

Gender : Female

Work location : University of Vigo

Academic background :

Degree in Law, University of Vigo [1993-1998]

PHD in Labor Law (Outstanding cum laude) [2002]

Title of thesis: “El salario en especie”

Director: Jaime Cabeza Pereiro (Spain)


Current position held:

Professor of labor law and social security. University of Vigo (Spain)

Your research : Labor law and social security

Research interests/topics: Unemployment and active employment policies, Gender equality, European Social Law, Maritime Law.

Research projects (Some of the most important you were involved in) :

● “Work at sea: the new legal-maritime scenarios”, financed by Galician Government, main researcher: Prof. Dr. Jaime Cabeza Pereiro (2014 to 2015)

● “New maritime-fishing legal scenarios and the protection of the people of the sea”, financed by Ministry of Economy, main researcher: Prof. Dr. José Manuel Sobrino Heredia (2015 to 2018)

● “The instruments of private social protection in the management of labor change”, financed, by Ministry of Economy, main researcher: Prof. Dr. Jaime Cabeza Pereiro (2015 to 2017)

● “Fundamental rights to the change of work subordinated in the digital age”, financed, by Ministry of Economy, main researcher: Prª. Drª Belén Cardona Rubert (2018 to 2020)


Articles :

Published over 20 articles, including the following:

1.“Empresas francesas ante la crisis: el despido económico tras la reforma de 2017” (

French companies in the face of the crisis: the economic dismissal after the reform of 2017”, Revista Trabajo y Derecho, 2018, in press.

Dockside :

Your involvement in Dockside: Staff member

What is DOCKSIDE for you: It is a great opportunity to share experiences and work with colleagues from other universities.