Odile DELFOUR-SAMAMA <br> 🇫🇷 |  University of Nantes – France

Full name : Odile DELFOUR-SAMAMA

Gender : Female

Work location : Associate professor in University of Nantes – Co-director of the Institut Universitaire Mer et Littoral

Academic background

PhD in Law, Sorbonne University

Field of Research

law of the sea; marine environmental law

Research Interests

marine environmental law, marine protected areas, fisheries law, marine genetic resources, ocean governance

Research project

2015-2019: European Research Council Human Sea (The development of human activities at sea-What legal framework ? For a new maritime law)


Delfour-Samama (O.), Guillotreau (P.), « The law and economics of marine bioprospecting in areas beyond
national jurisdiction: the role of uncertainty », in Cabeza Pereiro (R.), Fernandez Docampo (B.), Estrategia Blue Growth y Derecho del Mar, Editorial Bomarzo, 2018

Delfour-Samama (O.), La place des acteurs privés dans la lutte contre les activités illicites en mer: le cas de la protection de l’environnement marin », in Chaumette (P.), Espaces marins : surveillance et prévention des trafics illicites en mer, Gomylex, 2016

Delfour-Samama (O.), «Les enjeux liés à la protection de l’environnement en Arctique », in Delfour-Samama (O.) ; Proutière-Maulion (G.); Leboeuf (C.) (dir.), Les nouvelles routes maritimes: origines, évolutions et prospectives, Pedone, 2016


Société française pour le droit de l’environnement (SFDE)

Société française pour le droit international (SFDI)

Your involvement in Dockside :

I joined the Dockside Projet as an academic lawyer in order to present a lecture on the  “Legal framework governing the management of natural shared resources: a comparative study between freshwater resources and marine resources »

What is DOCKSIDE for you :

A tool to enhance high level mutual cooperation between European researchers and Cambodian researchers and stakeholders in the field of water resources management (including marine resources) and environmental protection