Equitable, Reasonable and Sustainable Use of Water Resources in Cambodia
Research topics 26 October 2018
Environmental and Maritime Research (EMR) Network
Research Topic
Equitable, Reasonable and Sustainable Use of Water Resources in Cambodia
Keywords of the Research:
Dams, Fisheries, Fish Passage Policy and Transboundary Cooperation.
Goal of the research:
To design a legal and policy framework for the sustainable management of water resources in Cambodia, with a special focus on the problem of dams and it relation to fisheries, and free fish passage, also in the context of transboundary cooperation.
Team Leader:
Leader: Tob Chann Aun, Deputy IFReDI/MAFF, Cambodia
Co-leaders: Dr. Dewan Ahsan, Southern Denmark University, Denmark and Pr. Thomas Vallée, University of Nantes, France
EU Team Members:
Laura Movilla and Francisco Torres, University of Vigo, Spain